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词汇 密封
释义 密封密封[mì fēng]1.seal; seal up; seal airtight; seal hermetically; encapsulation lutation; hermetic sealing; sealing; sealing off; enclosing:密封的罐头sealed tin;密封的容器hermetically sealed chamber;密封的文件sealed documents;把气体密封在容器里seal up the gas hermetically within the vessel;密封房间以熏蒸消毒seal up rooms for fumigation
常用词组1.密封包件 sealed pad;2.密封爆炸 contained explosion;3.密封泵 canned pump; leakproof pump; sealed pump;4.密封薄片电容器 encapsulated chip capacitor;5.密封边 sealing strip;6.密封变压器 hermetically-sealed-(type) transformer;7.密封裁决书 privy [sealed] verdict;8.密封材料 encapsulant; packing material; seal material; sealing material; air locking;9.密封舱 {航空} sealed cabin; airtight cabin;10.密封层 sealant;11.密封衬垫 liner;12.密封触点 sealed contacts;13.密封窗 hermetic window; seal window;14.密封唇口 seal lip; sealing edge; sealing lip;15.密封带 seal tape; tapesealant;16.密封垫 sealing gasket; gasket; static seal; grommet; seal packing;17.密封垫片 gasket seal;18.密封垫圈 joint washer; seal washer; sealing washer; sheet gasket;19.密封电解槽 sealed electrolytic cell;20.密封电缆 hermetically, -sealed cable;21.密封电路 {电工} potted circuit;22.密封电容器 sealed capacitor;23.密封度 tightness;24.密封法兰 sealing flange;25.密封防火墙 {采矿} firedamp;26.密封敷层 seal coating;27.密封盖 airtight cover; gland bonnet; sealed cover; sealing cover; sealing gland; lid;28.密封膏 sealant; sealing compound;29.密封钢丝绳 lock coil wire rope; sheathed wire rope;30.密封管 {电子} sealed tube; seal pipe; sealed capsule; gland;31.密封管形瓷介电容器 hermetically sealed tubular ceramic capacitor;32.密封光阀 sealed-off light valve;33.密封焊 seal weld;34.密封焊缝 seal-weld;35.密封焊接 seal welding; tight weld;36.密封盒 seal box;37.密封滑板 drop bar;38.密封环 ring; junk ring; sealing ring;39.密封环盖 sealing ring cap;40.密封换能器 closed transducer;41.密封剂 sealant; encapsulant; aquaseal; jointing compound; sealing compound;42.密封继电器 sealed relay;43.密封件 sealing element;seal element;sealing member;44.密封胶 fluid sealant; sealant; gasket cement; seal gum; sealing gum;45.密封胶皮 {油工} stripper rubber;46.密封胶粘剂 sealant;47.密封接插件 hermetically sealed connector;48.密封接合器packing maker;49.密封接头hermetical seal;50.密封节sealing section;51.密封结 sealed junction;52.密封介质sealing medium;53.密封空腔谐振器sealed cavity;54.密封孔 closed hole;55.密封孔道 plughole (密封采空区的);56.密封冷冻压缩机 sealed refrigeration compressor;57.密封力 sealing force;58.密封连接器 hermetically sealed connector;59.密封螺母 sealing nut;60.密封脉冲变压器 hermetically sealed pulse transformer;61.密封帽 sealed cap;62.密封面 seal surface;63.密封面积 sealing area;64.密封摩擦 seal friction;65.密封培养 airtight culture;66.密封配电盘 cubicle;67.密封棚子 {采矿} closed frame;68.密封器 sealer;69.密封器件 air locking;70.密封腔 seal cavity;71.密封球 {油工} ball sealer;72.密封圈 sealing washer; seal ring; ring;73.密封容器 airtight container; sealed container;74.密封润滑器 seal lubricator;75.密封润滑脂 packing grease;76.密封塞 {军械} closing plug;77.密封石英管 sealed silica envelope;78.密封室 airtight chamber;79.密封事故 seals accident;80.密封试验 sealing test;81.密封缩颈 sealing constriction;82.密封套 seal cartridge;83.密封套管轴承 enclosed tubular bearing;84.密封套夹boot clamp;85.密封条sealing strips;86.密封投标 sealed bid; sealed tender;87.密封外壳 can;88.密封碗 {军械} obturating cup;89.密封系统 sealing system;90.密封线 {电工} potted line;91.密封箱烧结 sintering in sealed box;92.密封压盖 seal gland;93.密封压盖随动件 gland follower;94.密封用油 seal oil;95.密封元件 potted component;96.密封圆 O-ring;97.密封源 {核子} sealed source;98.密封云母电容器 hermetically mica capacitor;99.密封云母环 sealed mica ring;100.密封罩 sealed cowling;101.密封制品 sealing article; seals;102.密封轴承 sealed bearing; bearings with seals;103.密封皱纹管 seal bellows;104.密封注胶 seal pouring;105.密封转子泵 canned-rotor pump;106.密封装置 sealed-in unit; sealing arrangement; sealing device; seal;107.密封锥面 sealing cone;108.密封座舱 sealed cabin




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