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释义 [dào]1. (达到某一点; 到达; 达到) arrive; reach; get to:春天到了。Spring has come.到了多少人?How many people were present?到!(点名时的回答) Here!火车到站了。The train has arrived at the station.我们是昨晚到家的。We got home last night.2. (往; 去) go to; leave for:到上海去go to Shanghai;到群众中去go among the masses; go into the midst of the masses;他到过非洲。He has been to Africa.3. (用做动词的补语, 表示动作达到目的或有了结果):办得到can be done;说到做到be as good as one's word;他买到了一本汉英词典。He's bought a Chinese-English dictionary.想不到你来了。I didn't expect you would come.1.(表示动作或行为达到的时间) up until; up to:从星期三到星期五from Wednesday to Friday;到次日up to the next day;我将留在这里一直到十二点钟。I shall stay here until twelve o'clock.1.(周到) thoughtful; considerate:不到之处请原谅。Please excuse me if I have been incosiderate in any way.1.(姓氏) a surname:到彦之Dao Yanzhi




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