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释义 [bá]1. (拉出;抽出)pluck; pull out; pull up; draw; move:拔钉pull out a nail;拔刺pluck a thorn;拔麦子harvest wheat;拔腿take to one's heels;拔牙extract [pull out] a tooth;拔剑draw one's sword2. (吸出) draw; suck out:拔毒draw out poison;把火拔一拔。Put a chimney on the stove to make the fire draw.3. (选取, 提升) select; choose; pick; promote:选拔select from candidates;提拔promote4. (向高提) lift; raise:拔起嗓子喊shout at the top of one's voice5. (超出; 高出) stand out among; surpass:海拔degrees above sea level;出类拔萃be distinguished from one's kind; stand out among one's fellows; be out of the common run6. (攻克; 夺取) capture; seize:拔据点capture the enemy's stronghold;拔寨seize an enemy for tress7. [方] (冷却) cool:用凉水拔啤酒cool a bottle of beer in ice water1. {机} drawing:冷拔cold drawing;热拔hot drawing2. [书] (栝; 箭的末端与弦相会处) the pointed end of an arrow3. (姓氏) a surname:拔山Ba Shan




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