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释义 [tóng]1.(相同; 一样) same; similar; alike; like:同类 [岁]the same kind [age];异同similarities and dissimilarities;同一条战线the same front;质量相同of like quality;大同小异alike with minor differences1.(跟 ... 相同) be the same as:同前ditto;“缒”同“锤”。缒 is the same as 锤.1.(共同; 一齐) together; in common:协同作战fight in coordination;陪同参观accompany sb. on a visit;一同动身去上海set out for Shanghai together;同甘苦, 共患难share weal and woe1. (引进动作的对象, 与“跟”相同) with:同他谈一谈talk with him;同国力相适应be compatible with national strength;同中央保持一致maintain unity with the Central Committee2. (引进比较的事物,与“跟”相同) as:今年的气候同往年不一样。The weather of this year is not the same as that of the past years.老人同儿童一样喜欢这部电影。The old people as well as the children like this film.3. [方] (表示替人做事, 与“给”相同) for:我同你出个主意。I'll offer you a piece of advice.1.(表示联合关系, 与“和” 相同) and; as well as; with:我同你在一起。I am together with you.1.(姓氏) a surname:同谷Tong Gu另见 tòng。




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