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释义 [dìng]1. (平静; 稳定) calm; stable:心神不定be ill at ease; feel restless;天下大定。General stability has been achieved in the country.2. (已经确定的; 不改变的) fixed; settled; established:定评accepted opinion;定数fixed number;定息fixed rate of interest1. (决定; 使确定) decide; fix; set:定方针decide on a policy;定计划make a plan;为小说中的主要人物定名decide on names for the principal characters of a story;划船比赛已正式定于4月2日星期四举行。The boat-race has been officially fixed for Thursday, April 2.我可以干, 但我们得定几条规矩。I'll do that, but only if we set a few rules.2. (固定; 使固定) fix:定睛fix one's eyes upon;定居在大连fix one's residence in Dalian3. (稳定; 使稳定) calm down; stabilize:定心calm one's mind;安邦定国bring peace and stability to the country;大局已定。The outcome is a foregone conclusion.4. (约定) subscribe to (a newspaper, etc.); book (seats, tickets, etc.); order (merchandise, etc.)1.[书] (一定; 必定) surely; certainly; definitely:定可成功certainly will succeed;定可取胜be sure to win1.(姓氏) a surname:定伦Ding Lun




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