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词汇 合理
释义 合理合理[hé lǐ]1.rational; reasonable; equitable:合理的价格a reasonable price;合理的上涨justified raise;合理计奖issue bonuses rationally;合理解决两国之间的争端equitable settlement of the issues between the two countries;合理拉开收入差距widen the differences in personal income to a reasonable degree;合理利用资源make rational use of resources; put resources to rational use;合理使用人才put the talents of all trained personnel to rational use;合情合理reasonable and just;他说的话很合理。What he says is very reasonable.这事不合理。This affair is unreasonable.
常用词组1.合理安排各项支出 proper arrangement for expenditures;2.合理捕捞 rational fishing;3.合理处罚 reasonable punishment;4.合理单位 {电} rationalized unit;5.合理放牧 conservative grazing;6.合理分工 rational division of labor;7.合理负担 equitable distribution of burden; reasonable distribution of burden;8.合理轮作 efficient rotation; proper rotation of crops;9.合理密植 rational close planting;10.合理模型 rational model;11.合理赔款 just compensation;12.合理施肥 rational application of fertilizer;13.合理讼因 just cause;14.合理运输条款 reasonable dispatch clause;15.合理值 reasonable value;16.合理作价, 公平交易 fair pricing and square dealing;17.合理组织 rationalization




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