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词汇 初生
释义 初生初生[chū shēng]1. (新生的; 处于生成过程的) nascent; primary2. (新出生的) newborn
常用词组1.初生奥氏体 primary austenite;2.初生胞壁 {植} primary cell wall;3.初生贝氏体 primary austenite;4.初生壁 primary [cambial] wall;5.初生不尿 {中医} anuria in newborn;6.初生不乳 {中医} failure to suck in newborn;7.初生不啼 {中医} asplyxia neonatorium;8.初生分生组织 primary meristem;9.初生根 primary root;10.初生核 primary nucleus;11.初生阶段 newborn period;12.初生节 {植} primary node;13.初生晶胞 primary unit cell;14.初生茎 primary shoot;15.初生空穴 incipient cavitation;16.初生木材 {植} primary wood (or xylem);17.初生木质部 primary xylem;18.初生目啼 {中医} palpebral edema of the newborn; blephorophimosis of the newborn;19.初生目烂 {中医} tarsitis of the newborn;20.初生胚病 primary suspensor;21.初生胚乳核 primary endosperm nucleus;22.初生喷出物 juvenile ejecta;23.初生皮层 primary cortex;24.初生器官 primary members;25.初生氢 nascent hydron;26.初生屈氏体 primary troosite;27.初生韧皮部 primary phleom;28.初生绒毡层 primary tapetal layer;29.初生乳核 {中医} mastoplasia in newborn;30.初生射线 primary ray;31.初生石墨 kish; primary graphite;32.初生水 primary [primitive] water; juvenile water;33.初生水系 juvenile drainage;34.初生索氏体 primary sorbite;35.初生髓射线 {植} primary medullary ray;36.初生态 {化} nascent state;37.初生啼哭不止 frequent crying of newborn38.初生铁素体 primary ferrite;39.初生维管束 primary vascular bundle;40.初生纹孔场 primary pit field;41.初生纤维 as-spun fibre; protofibre;42.初生芽 leader;43.初生叶 acrospire; initial leaf; primary leaves;44.初生硬度钢 natural steel;45.初生珠光体 primary pearlite;46.初生组织 {生} primary tissue;47.初生中子 nascent neutron;48.初生轴 primary axis;49.初生主根 root stalk;50.初生仔畜窒息 asphyxia neonatum




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