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词汇 发出
释义 发出发出[fā chū]1.issue; send out; give out; deliver; emit; dispatch; effluence; delivery:发出传票issue a summons;发出逮捕证issue a warrant;发出呼救信号dispatch an SOS;发出紧急呼吁send out an urgent appeal;发出警报sound the alarm;发出警告send out a warning;发出阵阵清香send forth wafts of delicate fragrance;发出指示issue a directive;太阳发出光和热。The sun sends forth light and heat.他们给那个国家发出了最后通牒。They delivered an ultimatum to that country.吊车发出隆隆的响声。The crane made rumbling sound.原子反应堆发出大量的热能。The atomic reactor generates enormous amounts of thermal energy.
常用词组1.发出超前脉冲 prepulsing;2.发出电力 generated output;3.发出订单 placing an order;4.发出功率 developed power;5.发出脉冲 impulsing;6.发出热量 evolution of heat;7.发出商品 goods shipped in transit;8.发出瓦数 watts-out;9.发出信号 discrete sampling;10.发出选通脉冲 strobing;11.发出运输 traffic




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