词汇 | 加 |
释义 | 加加[jiā] 动1.■ (两个或两个以上的东西或数目合在一起) add; plus:将一行数字加起来cast up a row of figures;苦干加巧干work arduously and skilfully;小米加步枪millet plus rifles;二加三等于五。Two plus three makes five.; Two and three is five.这些数字你没加对。You haven't added the figures up right.这正是火上加油。That was adding fuel to the fire.2.■ (使数量比原来大或程度比原来高) increase; augment:加大油门open the throttle; step on the gas;加工资increase [raise] sb.'s wages;加件衣服再出去。Put on more clothes before you go out.3.■ (把本来没有的添上去; 安放) put in; add; append:给自己加上新的头衔confer a new title on oneself;加上标点符号put in the proper punctuation marks;加注解append notes to;汤里加点盐put some salt in the soup;欲加之罪, 何患无词。If you are out to condemn sb., you can always trump up a charge.4.■ (表示施以某种动作; 加以):不加考虑not consider at all;大加赞扬praise highly; lavish praise on;严加批驳sternly refute 名1.■(姓氏) a surname:加皓Jia Hao |
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