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词汇 去 1
释义 [qù]1. (从所在地到别的地方) go; leave:从北京去上海leave Beijing for Shanghai;你去过大连没有?Have you ever been to Dalian?谁去都一样。It makes no difference who goes.他去多久了?How long has he been away?我们昨天去工厂了。We went to the factory yesterday.2. (除去; 除掉) remove; get rid of:去掉官僚主义的工作作风get rid of the bureaucratic style of work;去掉几个字take off some words;去掉思想上的负担get a load off one's mind;去皮remove the peel or skin; peel3. (距离;差距) be apart from:去今50余年more than fifty years ago;相去不远not far from each other;两地相去80里。The two places are 80 li apart.4. (寄出; 发出; 派出) send:去了一封电报send a telegram;给她去个电话。Give her a ring.; Call her up.5. (用在另一动词前, 表示要做某事):你去问一问。Please go and ask.我们自己去想办法。We'll find a way out ourselves.6. (用在动宾结构后面, 表示去做某件事):她游泳去了。She's gone to swim.7. (用在动词结构或介词结构之间, 前者表示方式, 后者表示目的):到工厂去看一位老朋友go to a factory to see an old friend;他想尽一切办法去实现他的目标。He went to all lengths to compass his purpose.8. [方] (扮演) play the part [role] of; act (the part of):他去什么角色?What role is he given to play?他在京剧《逼上梁山》里去林冲。He acted Lin Chong in the Beijing opera Driven to Join the Liangshan Rebels.1.(过去了的时间) past; last:去冬last winter;去年last year1.[方] (非常; 极) very; extremely:那片林子可大了去了。That's really quite a forest.他到过的地方多了去了。He's been to a great many places.1.(去声) falling tone, one of the four tones in classical Chinese and the fourth tone in modern standard Chinese pronunciation:这个字该读去声。This word should be read with falling tone.另见 qu。




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