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词汇 尽 2
释义 尽(盡)[jìn]1. (完) exhaust; finish:弹尽粮绝exhaust one's supplies of food and ammunition;取之不尽inexhaustible;无穷无尽endless; inexhaustible;气数已尽。Someone's spell of good fortune has run out.知无不言, 言无不尽。Say all you know and say it without reserve.2. (达到极端) come to an end to the utmost; to the limit:山穷水尽where the mountains and the rivers end; at end of one's rope [tether, resources];用尽气力exert oneself to the utmost3. (全部用出) use up; exhaust:各尽所能from each according to his ability;人尽其才; 物尽其用make the best possible use of men and material;一饮而尽empty a glass at one gulp; drain the cup with one gulp;一言难尽。It can't be expressed in a few words.; It's a long story.我已工作得精疲力尽。I have exhausted myself working.4. (用力完成) try one's best; put to the best use:尽责任do one's duty; discharge one's responsibility;尽最大努力do one's best; exert one's utmost effort;为国家尽一份力do one's bit for one's nation1.(全; 所有的) all; exhaustive:不可尽信not to be believed word for word; to be taken with a grain of salt;尽收眼底have a panoramic view;工具已尽数交回。All the tools have been handed in.1.(姓氏) a surname:尽正Jin Zheng另见 jǐn。




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