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词汇 干 2
释义 干(幹、榦)[gàn]1. (事物的主体或重要部分) trunk; main part:枝干branches and trunk;躯干trunk; torso2. (干部的简称) short for cadre:干群关系relations between cadres and the masses;高干senior cadre3. (姓氏) a surname:干道冲Gan Daochong1. (做事) do; work; attend to:实干do solid work;埋头苦干quietly immerse oneself in hard work;叫我干什么都行。I'll do any job I may be assigned to.你干得挺不错。You've done quite well.2. (担任; 从事) hold the post of; be engaged in:他干过队长。He used to be a team leader.3. (斗争; 奋斗) fight; strike; struggle:干到底fight to the bitter end1. (有能力的) able; capable:干将a capable person;真能干really capable2. [方] (事情变坏; 糟) worse; bad




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