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词汇 堵塞
释义 堵塞堵塞[dǔ sè]1. stop up; block up; choke; gag; jam:堵塞墙上的缺口block up the gap on the wall;堵塞生产门路block the channels of developing production;河道被冰块堵塞。The river is blocked up with ice.胡同被人群堵塞。The alley was blocked with crowds2. blocking; occlusion; impassability; blinding; blockage; choking; plugging; plugging-up; stopping up:交通堵塞traffic jam; a traffic block
常用词组1.堵塞壁缝 {工} wall off;2.堵塞叉道 branching channel blockage;3.堵塞倒套 plugging reversed stream;4.堵塞工程 stemming operation;5.堵塞管子 cramming;6.堵塞接缝 packed joint;7.堵塞平原 ponded plain;8.堵塞器 obturaton; blanking plug;9.堵塞水泥 plugging cement;10.堵塞物 {军} tamper;11.堵塞系数 gross blockage factor;12.堵塞浊积岩 ponded turbidite




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