释义 |
出售出售[chū shòu]1.■offer for sale; sell:出售一空be sold out;公开出售be sold openly;亏本出售sell at a loss;廉价出售sell sth. at a bargain price;照最近的报价出售sell at the latest quotation;所有的书商都出售这种书。This kind of books is sold by all booksellers.茶叶按磅出售。Tea is sold by the pound. 常用词组1.■出售存货 make one's market;2.■出售担保品 sale of securities;3.■出售货物所得价金 proceeds of sale;4.■出售机 vending machine;5.■出售外汇核定单 authorization sheet for sales of exchange;6.■出售有价证券 sales from the portfolio;7.■出售运输保险 selling transportation insurance;8.■出售债券 offering of bonds;9.■出售证券 sale of securities |