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词汇 地方 1
释义 地方地方[dì fāng]1. (各行政区的) locality:民族自治地方national autonomous area;中央和地方的关系the relationship between the central and the local authorities2. (当地的) local:地方的积极性local initiative
常用词组1.地方保护主义 local protectionism;2.地方报刊 local press;3.地方标准 local standard;4.地方初审法院 district court;5.地方代理人 local agent;6.地方电台 local radio station;7.地方当局 local authority;8.地方党委 local Party committee;9.地方道路 land-service [frontage] road;10.地方地理学 chorography;11.地方法院 district court;12.地方分权 decentralization;13.地方各级人民代表大会 local people's congresses at various levels;14.地方官 officials of local governments;15.地方观念 localistic way of thinking; localism;16.地方工会 local union;17.地方工业 local industry;18.地方管理机构 administrative offices in the localities;19.地方管理物资 local authority managed materials; management of materials through [by] local authority;20.地方化 provincialization; localization;21.地方积极性 initiative of the local authorities;22.地方航线 local service airline; feeder;23.地方恒星时 {天} local sidereal time;24.地方货币 local currency;25.地方检察院 local procuratorates;26.地方军 local forces; regional troops;27.地方流转 local exchange;28.地方民族(沙文)主义 local nationalism; local-nationality chauvinism;29.地方品种 local variety; native variety;30.地方平(均)时 local mean time;31.地方气候 mesoclimate;32.地方侵蚀基准面 local erosion base level;33.地方人民代表大会 Local People's Congresses;34.地方人民法院 Local People's Courts;35.地方人民检察院 Local People's Procuratorates;36.地方人民政府 Local People's Governments;37.地方人士 distinguished personalities in a locality; local personalities;38.地方色彩 regionalism; local colour;39.地方时 {天} local time;40.地方收入 revenue going to the local authorities;41.地方税 local tax;42.地方所得税 local income tax;43.地方特色传统商品 special traditional products;44.地方铁路 spur line;45.地方团体 local organization;46.地方武装 local [regional] armed forces;47.地方戏 local opera [drama];48.地方小吃 local snack;49.地方预算 budget of local governments;50.地方预算用预备费 regular reserve funds in local budgets;51.地方运输 local transport;52.地方真时 local true time;53.地方震 local earthquake;54.地方政府 local government;55.地方政府存款市场 market in local authority deposits;56.地方支路入口 local access;57.地方种 endemic species;58.地方种群 endemic population;59.地方主义 localism;60.地方自有资金 funds owned by the localities;61.地方自治 local self-government;62.地方坐标系 local coordinate system
另见 dì fang。




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