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词汇 嗅觉
释义 嗅觉嗅觉[xiù jué]1.olfactory sensation; smelling; sense of smell; smell; scent; rhinesthesia; osmesthesia; olfaction; nose; osphresio-; osmo-; -osmia:嗅觉很灵have a keen sense of smell;政治嗅觉灵敏be politically sharp;味觉和嗅觉是密切相关的。Taste and smell are closely connected.狗的嗅觉比人的嗅觉灵敏。Smell is keener in dogs than in humans.
常用词组1.嗅觉不全 merosmia;2.嗅觉迟钝 baryodmia;3.嗅觉倒错 parosmia; parosphresis;4.嗅觉电子学 olfactronics;5.嗅觉分析 olfactory analysis;6.嗅觉过敏 hyperosphresia; hyperosmia;7.嗅觉计 osphresiometer; osmometer;8.嗅觉检查 olfactometry;9.嗅觉减退 hyposphresia; hyposmia;10.嗅觉恐怖 osmophobia;11.嗅觉模拟 olfactory analog;12.嗅觉浓渡 {环} odour concentration;13.嗅觉偏差 paranosmia;14.嗅觉器官 olfactory organ; organon olfactus;15.嗅觉缺失 anodimia; anodmia; anosmia; anosphresia; anosphrasia;16.嗅觉细胞 olfactory cell;17.嗅觉先兆 olfactory aura;18.嗅觉学 olfactology;19.嗅觉异常 allotriosmia; heterosmia;20.嗅觉阈限 {心} olfactory threshold;21.嗅觉障碍 dysosmia;22.嗅觉正常 euosmia;23.嗅觉锥 olfactory cone




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