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释义 [hài]1.(祸害; 害处) evil; harm; calamity:两害相权取其轻of the two evils choose the lesser;为民除害rid the people of a scourge;有利必有害advantage must be accompanied with disadvantage; good always goes together with evil1.(有害的) harmful;destructive;injurious:害虫pest; vermin; varmint; injurious [destructive] insect;害兽harmful animal1. (使受损害) do harm to; impair; cause trouble to:害人不浅do people great harm; inflict a person not shallowly;害人之心不可有, 防人之心不可无。One should never intend to do harm to others, but should always guard against the harm others might do to him.你把地址搞错了,害得我白跑了一趟。You gave me the wrong address and made me go all that way for nothing.2. (杀害) kill; murder:谋财害命murder [kill] for money;他被害了。He was murdered.3. (发生疾病) contract (an illness); suffer from:害了急性病suffer from an acute illness;害了一场大病have a serious attack of illness;害眼suffer from eye disease4. (发生不安的情绪) feel (ashamed, afraid, etc.):我实在为你感到害臊。I am utterly ashamed of you.




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