词汇 | 外汇 |
释义 | 外汇外汇[wài huì]1.■foreign exchange; foreign currency:外汇贬值是有关国家经济不景气的结果。Foreign currency depreciation is a result of economic depression in the country concerned. 常用词组1.■外汇保留条款 exchange proviso clause;2.■外汇保值协定 Agreement on Exchange Guarantees;3.■外汇变动 exchange fluctuations;4.■外汇变动保险 foreign exchange fluctuation insurance;5.■外汇波动 foreign exchange fluctuation;6.■外汇偿付能力 ability to repay in foreign exchange;7.■外汇储备 foreign exchange reserve; exchange cover;8.■外汇储备耗尽 depletion of foreign exchange reserves;9.■外汇兑换券 foreign exchange certificate;10.■外汇兑换率 rate of exchange; rate of foreign exchange;11.■外汇兑换水单 exchange memo;12.■外汇额度 foreign currency quota;13.■外汇额度账号 foreign exchange quota accounts;14.■外汇非法交易 illicit trading in foreign exchange;15.■外汇分成[留成] share the foreign currency earnings; sharing of foreign exchange earnings; retention of a share of the foreign currency earned; keep part of the foreign exchange earnings; share of foreign exchange earned;16.■外汇分配 allocation of exchange;17.■外汇风险 exchange risk;18.■外汇负债 foreign exchange liabilities;19.■外汇附加税 exchange supplementary duties;20.■外汇官价 official exchange rate;21.■外汇管理 (foreign) exchange control;22.■外汇管理当局 exchange control authorities;23.■外汇管制 exchange control; foreign exchange control;24.■外汇管制法令 foreign exchange control regulations;25.■外汇管制条例 exchange control regulations; currency regulations;26.■外汇管制政策 exchange control policy;27.■外汇行情 exchange quotations;28.■外汇行市 foreign exchange quotation;29.■外汇黑市 black market of foreign currency;30.■外汇合同 exchange contract;31.■外汇合同确认书 exchange contract confirmation;32.■外汇缓冲 foreign exchange cushion;33.■外汇换算表 exchange table;34.■外汇汇率 foreign exchange rate;35.■外汇汇率波动 exchange ratio fluctuations;36.■外汇基金 foreign exchange fund;37.■外汇价目表 foreign exchange quotation;38.■外汇价值论 foreign currency value theory; foreign exchange earnings theory;39.■外汇交易 foreign exchange transaction; exchange deal;40.■外汇缴售凭证 exchange surrender certificate;41.■外汇结存 foreign exchange balance; foreign exchange surplus;42.■外汇金融 foreign currency finance;43.■外汇经纪人 foreign exchange broker; exchange broker; exchange dealer;44.■外汇经纪人公会 exchange broker's association;45.■外汇经营者 cabist;46.■外汇竞争 exchange competition;47.■外汇局 exchange office;48.■外汇利润 exchange profit;49.■外汇率 rate of foreign exchange; foreign exchange rate;50.■外汇买卖损益 profit or loss on exchange;51.■外汇买卖业务 buying and selling of foreign currencies;52.■外汇牌价 foreign exchange rate; exchange rate quotation;53.■外汇牌价表 list of exchange rate quotations;54.■外汇配额[限额] exchange quota;55.■外汇配额制度 exchange quota system;56.■外汇配给[配售] rationing of exchange;57.■外汇票证 foreign exchange instrument;58.■外汇平衡 balance of foreign exchange between income and expenditure;59.■外汇平价 par of exchange; exchange parity; mint par of exchange; mint par; exchange rate parity; par exchange rate;60.■外汇平准基金 exchange stabilization fund;61.■外汇期货交易 forward exchange transaction;62.■外汇期货市场 forward exchange market;63.■外汇倾销 exchange dumping;64.■外汇清算 foreign exchange clearing;65.■外汇清算制 exchange clearing system;66.■外汇券 Foreign Exchange Certificate;67.■外汇人民币 foreign exchange equivalent of Renminbi (RMB); foreign exchange equivalent in terms of RMB;68.■外汇升水 exchange premium;69.■外汇市场 foreign exchange market;70.■外汇收入 foreign currency earnings;foreign exchange receipt;71.■外汇收支 foreign exchange receipt and disbursement [payments];72.■外汇收支不平衡 imbalance between foreign exchange receipts and payments;73.■外汇收支持平 foreign exchange balance;74.■外汇收支顺差 favorable balance of foreign exchange earnings and outlays;75.■外汇税 exchange tax;76.■外汇损益 exchange profit and loss;77.■外汇贴水 exchange discount;78.■外汇投机 exchange speculation;79.■外汇头寸 exchange position;80.■外汇外流 drain of foreign exchange; outflow of foreign exchange;81.■外汇危机 exchange crisis;82.■外汇限额 exchange quota; exchange restriction;83.■外汇限制 exchange restriction;84.■外汇信贷 credit in foreign exchange;85.■外汇许可证 foreign exchange permit;foreign exchange license;86.■外汇托收 foreign exchange collections;87.■外汇业务 foreign currency operations; foreign exchange dealings; foreign exchange business;88.■外汇业务经营许可证 license for foreign exchange operations;89.■外汇预算 foreign exchange budget; exchange budget;90.■外汇战 exchange war;91.■外汇政策 foreign exchange policy; exchange policy;92.■外汇证明书 foreign exchange certificate;93.■外汇指定银行 authorized bank for dealing in foreign exchange;94.■外汇专业银行 specialized foreign exchange bank;95.■外汇转移证 exchange surrender certificate;96.■外汇转移证制度 exchange surrender certificate system;97.■外汇准备 reserve for foreign exchange; foreign exchange reserve;98.■外汇资产 foreign exchange assets;99.■外汇资金 foreign exchange fund;100.■外汇资金短缺 limited reserves of foreign exchange;101.■外汇自由兑换 exchange freedom;102.■外汇自由化 liberalization of exchange |
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