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词汇 摩擦
释义 摩擦摩[磨]擦[mó cā]1. (互相接触的两物体作来回相对运动) rub; chafe:轴颈在轴承面上摩擦。The journal rubs against the bearing surface.2. {物} (相互接触的两物体在接触面上发生阻碍相对运动的现象) friction:滚动摩擦rolling friction;滑动摩擦sliding friction;把油涂到机器上减少摩擦。Oil is put in machinery to reduce the friction.3. (因利害冲突而引起的明争暗斗) friction; conflict; clash:内部摩擦internal friction;与某人发生摩擦have a brush with sb.;制造摩擦create friction;两国间的摩擦终于导致了一场战争。The conflict between the two countries finally caused a war.就我们来说, 这种摩擦是被动式的。As far as we are concerned, these frictions are not of our own making [have been imposed on us].
常用词组1.摩擦板 friction plate;2.摩擦表面 friction surface;3.摩擦材料 friction material;4.摩擦测功器 {机} Prony brake;5.摩擦测力计 friction dynamometer; friction brake;6.摩擦层 frictional layer; boundary;7.摩擦衬片 friction facing; friction lining;8.摩擦触点 wiping contact;9.摩擦传动 {机} friction drive; friction transmission;10.摩擦传动装置 friction gearing; friction gear; friction driving device;11.摩擦传输式洗片机 friction drive developing machine;12.摩擦锤 friction hammer;13.摩擦等离子体 triboplasma;14.摩擦底火 friction primer;15.摩擦电 frictional electricity; triboelectricity;16.摩擦发光 tribo-luminescence;17.摩擦发光发射 triboluminescence emission; triboluminescent emission; triboemission;18.摩擦发热 frictional heating;19.摩擦法 rubbing manipulation;20.摩擦翻木机 friction digger;21.摩擦风antitriptic wind;22.摩擦复位器friction receder;23.摩擦付[副] friction pairs;24.摩擦辅音 fricative consonant;25.摩擦腐蚀{冶} chafing corrosion; frettage; fretting corrosion; galling; chafing;26.摩擦负荷 friction load;27.摩擦高度 {气} height of frictional influence;28.摩擦功 friction work; work of friction;29.摩擦功率 friction horsepower; friction power;30.摩擦功率计 friction dynamometer;31.摩擦(导布)辊 pinch roll;32.摩擦滚柱 friction roller;33.摩擦焊 {冶} friction welding; spin welding;34.摩擦合剂 friction composition;35.摩擦合金法 friction alloying;36.摩擦痕迹 rub mark; abrasion mark;37.摩擦火柴 locofoco;38.摩擦火帽 friction cap;39.摩擦积分器 ball-and-disc integrator;40.摩擦极限 limit of friction;41.摩擦极限角 limiting angle of friction;42.摩擦计 tribometer;43.摩擦加热 frictional heating;44.摩擦监视器 rub checker;45.摩擦减摆器 friction damper;46.摩擦减震 damping by friction;47.摩擦减震器 friction damper; friction shock absorber;48.摩擦键 friction key;49.摩擦件 friction piece;50.摩擦角 {工} angle of friction; sliding angle; friction angle;51.摩擦解吸(作用) tribodesorption;52.摩擦金属支柱 metal friction prop;53.摩擦静电选矿 trido-electrostatic separation;54.摩擦锯 friction saw;55.摩擦块 {油工} friction block; clutch block;56.摩擦牢度 crocking [rubbing] fastness; fastness to rubbing;57.摩擦离合器 {机} friction clutch; friction clutch coupling;58.摩擦力 friction; frictional force;59.摩擦力矩 friction torque;60.摩擦联轴节 friction coupling;61.摩擦裂缝 friction crack;62.摩擦面 rubbing surface; surface of friction;63.摩擦面积 friction area; frictional area; rubbing area;64.摩擦敏感度 sensitiveness to friction;65.摩擦磨损试验 friction-wear test;66.摩擦盘 frictional disk;67.摩擦抛光 burnishing;68.摩擦抛光器 burnisher;69.摩擦片 friction plate;70.摩擦起爆器 friction primer;71.摩擦起电 triboelectrification;72.摩擦起电器 friction electric machine;73.摩擦器 strigil; scraper;74.摩擦强度 frictional strength;75.摩擦侵蚀 galling; frettage; fretting corrosion; chafing;76.摩擦球 friction ball;77.摩擦深度 {海} friction depth;78.摩擦升华现象 tribosublimation;79.摩擦试验 friction test;80.摩擦试验机 friction testing machine;81.摩擦说 tribology;82.摩擦速度 {气} friction velocity; rubbing speed; rubbing velocity;83.摩擦损耗 {力} friction loss; rubbing wear;84.摩擦损失 friction loss;85.摩擦脱色 crocking;86.摩擦物理学 tribophysics;87.摩擦吸收 triboabsorption;88.摩擦系数 {力} frictional factor; friction coefficient; friction factor; coefficient of friction;89.摩擦系数测定仪 frictionmeter;90.摩擦屑 buffing;91.摩擦性质 frictional property; nature of friction;92.摩擦学 {物} tribology;93.摩擦压力机 friction (screw) press;94.摩擦压制 friction calendering;95.摩擦压砖机 friction press;96.摩擦砑光 friction calender;97.摩擦药 friction powder;98.摩擦仪 frictiograph;99.摩擦因子 friction factor;100.摩擦音 fricative;101.摩擦影响 frictional influence;102.摩擦应力 friction stress;103.摩擦圆盘离合器 friction disk clutch;104.摩擦振动 frictional vibration;105.摩擦值 friction value;106.摩擦止门器 friction catch;107.摩擦止推轴承 friction thrust bearing;108.摩擦制动 friction brake;109.摩擦制动器 {机} friction brake;110.摩擦轴 friction axis;111.摩擦转矩 {力} friction torque;112.摩擦桩 friction pile;113.摩擦阻力 frictional drag; friction drag; frictional resistance; resistance of friction;114.摩擦阻尼器 friction damper; frictional damper;115.摩擦钻床 friction drilling machine




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