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词汇 变成
释义 变成变成[biàn chéng]1.grow; become; make; develop into; prove to be; turn out; come off; come to be; pass into; mount up; convert to; transform into; turn into; change into:把沙漠变成良田transform a desert into fertile farmland;那落后的地方变成了工业中心。The backward place has changed into an industrial centre.结果坏事变成了好事。As a result, the bad thing has been turned into a good one.她的希望变成了泡影。Her hopes [aspirations] are unrealized.物质可以变成精神, 精神可以变成物质。Matter can be transformed into consciousness and consciousness into matter.旧社会的奴隶变成了新社会的主人。The slaves of the old society have become the masters of the new society.




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更新时间:2025/3/14 19:05:47