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词汇 单独
释义 单独单独[dān dú]1.alone; by oneself; on one's own; single-handed; solo; independent:单独旅行travel alone; single-handed journey;采取单独行动take independent action;他单独住一间屋子。He has a room to himself.我要和他单独谈一谈。I want to have a talk with him alone.单独一个人干不了这个活。Nobody can do this job alone [by himself].
常用词组1.单独补偿 separate compensation;2.单独传动 direct gear drive; singly operated drive; unit drive;3.单独传动齿轮箱 uni-drive gear box;4.单独传动电动机 individual drive motor;5.单独电动机传动 independent motor drive; self-contained motor drive;6.单独电机传动 built-in motor drive;7.单独对讲电话 solo circuit;8.单独法人 corporation sole;9.单独海损 particular average;10.单独海损理算 adjustment of particular average;11.单独海损险 with particular average; with average;12.单独基础 isolated foundation;13.单独检查 individual inspiration;14.单独控制 independent control;15.单独联接 separate connection;16.单独驱动 {电工} individual drive; separate drive;17.单独调整 independent adjustment;18.单独营业 private business;19.单独用户 individual consumer




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