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释义 [wài]1. (外面) outside; external side:名声在外be well-known;校外outside the school2. (外国) foreign country:古今中外modern or ancient times, China or foreign countries;对外贸易trade with foreign countries; foreign trade3. (以外) besides; beyond; in addition:此外besides; into the bargain;除外except; not including; not counting1. (外边的) outer; outward; external:外套outerwear; outer garment;外分泌external secretion2. (指自己所在地以外的) other:外县other county;外来干部an outside cadre; cadre transferred from other place; cadres not native to the locality3. (称母亲、姐妹或女儿方面的亲戚) on one's mother's, sister's or daughter's side:外甥儿sister's son; nephew;外甥女sister's daughter; niece4. (关系疏远的) not closely related:外人stranger; outsider; alien;你太见外了。You regarded me as an outsider.5. (非正式的; 非正规的) informal; unofficial:外号nickname;外史unofficial history1. (向外; 往外) abroad; outward; out:外嫁marry abroad or marry out;外露leak out2. (另外) extra; moreover:外加additionally; extra




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