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词汇 取消
释义 取消取消[qǔ xiāo]1.cancel; call off; abolish; remove:取消会员资格deprive sb. of his membership;取消原订计划cancel the original plan;取消学籍be struck off the school roll;取消前约cry off; call off the (former) contract;取消禁令lift a ban;取消律师资格disbar;取消记者招待会call off the press conference;取消命令revoke an order;取消一场比赛call off a match;取消决定rescind a decision;取消协议cancel the agreement;取消限价decontrol the price;取消一项决议revoke a decision;取消约会call off the appointment;取消证人资格recall off witness;取消资格disqualify;繁琐礼节都取消了。Trivial formalities have been done away with.他们取消了货物定购单。They cancelled their order for the goods.这些法律取消了贵族的特权。These laws have abolished the privileges of the nobility.
常用词组1.取消报价 withdraw an offer;2.取消比赛资格 {体} debar; disqualify; expel; heave-ho;3.取消拨款 strike off an appropriation from the budget;4.取消抵押品赎回权 foreclosure;5.取消订单 cancellation of order;6.取消发射 scrub;7.取消符 ignore character;8.取消股利 rescission of dividends;9.取消贵族身分 unlord;10.取消国教主义 disestablishmentarianism;11.取消合同 discharge of contract;12.取消合约 rescind a contract; rescind an agreement;13.取消减价 markdown cancellation;14.取消爵位 unduke;15.取消派 liquidator;16.取消商品经济 abolish commodity economy;17.取消诉讼令 vacatur;18.取消特别提款权 cancellation of special drawing right (SDR);19.取消条款 cancellation clause;20.取消信号 cancelling signal;21.取消遗嘱 {律} break one's will [testament; dying words; last words];22.取消债务 debt cancellation;23.取消仲裁裁决 set aside the award;24.取消主义 liquidationism




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