释义 |
压榨压榨[yā zhà]1.■ (压取汁液) press; squeeze; expression; mechanical expression:压榨葡萄汁press the juice from grapes2.■ (剥削或搜刮) oppress and exploit; squeeze; bleed:高利贷者压榨穷人。The usurer squeezed the poor people. 常用词组1.■压榨板 rammer board; ramming board;2.■压榨饼 press cake;3.■压榨渗出法 milling-diffusion;4.■压榨蜂蜡 press wax;5.■压榨辊 {纸} press rolls;6.■压榨机 fulling board; squeezer; mangle; mill engine; press-pate machine; press;7.■压榨酵母 compressed yeast;8.■压榨螺杆 jack-in-the-box;9.■压榨镊 expression forceps;10.■压榨损失 mill loss;11.■压榨盐干沙脑鱼 salachicni [意] [苏] |