词汇 | 反 |
释义 | 反反[fǎn] 名1.■ (方向相背) reverse side:适得其反get just the opposite2.■ (造反) rebellion:谋反attempt rebellion3.■ (指反革命、反动派) counterrevolutionaries; reactionaries:肃反elimination of counterrevolutionaries 动1.■ (转换; 翻过来) turn over:易如反掌as easy as turning one's hand over;反败为胜turn failure to success2.■ (回; 还) return; counter:反问counter with a question3.■ (反抗; 反对) oppose; combat; turn against:反霸权主义oppose hegemonism; anti-hegemonism;反战be against war;反法西斯斗争anti-fascist struggle; struggle against fascism;反间谍counterespionage;颠覆与反颠覆subversion and anti-subversion4.■ (背叛) rebel; revolt:反叛rebe 形1.■(相反的) opposite; contrary; reversed:穿反了袜子have one's socks on inside out;适得其反。The result is just the contrary. 副1.■ (反而; 相反地) on the contrary; instead:反不如前一段写得好on the contrary, it is worse than the last paragraph;反把事情弄僵了instead the matter got worse2.■ (从反面) back:反顾look back upon past or own mistake |
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