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释义 净(净、淨)[jìng]1. (清洁; 干净) clean:擦净wipe sth. clean;窗明几净with bright windows and clean tables; bright and clean;净水clean water;这件褂子没洗净。This jacket hasn't been properly washed.2. (净尽; 没有剩余) empty; hollow; bare:吃净eat up;烧净burn up;用净use up;偷得干干净净have everything stolen and nothing left3. (纯) net:净出 [进] 口net export [import];净收入net income1.(使干净; 擦洗干净) cleanse; wash:净面wash one's face;净手wash one's hands; relieve oneself1.(表示单纯而没有别的; 只管; 全都) entirely; only; merely; nothing but:净说不干all talk, no action;别净打岔。Don't keep interrupting.星期六晚上她净去跳舞。She goes nowhere but to the dance party on Saturday evenings.屋子里净是书。There are nothing but books in the room.这几天净刮大风。It's been very windy these last few days.1.(戏曲角色,通称花脸) the “painted face”, a character type in Beijing opera, etc.




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