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词汇 华 1
释义 华(華)[huá]1. (光彩;光辉)magnificent; resplendent; splendid;华服 beautiful dress;华屋 magnificent house2. (繁盛) prosperous; flourishing:繁华flourishing; bustling3. (奢侈; 浮华) flashy; extravagant:奢华extravagant;文辞浮华florid language; an ornate style4. (头发花白) grizzled; greyish:华发grey hair1.[书] (敬辞, 用于跟对方有关的事物) your:华诞your birthday;华翰your esteemed letter1. {气} (出现在太阳或月亮周围的内紫外红的光环) corona:月华diffused moonlight2. (精华) best part; essence; cream:精华the cream; the best part3. (中国) China:华北north China;华东east China;华南south China;华中central China;来华访问come to China on a visit;驻华大使ambassador to China4. (汉语) Chinese:英华词典an English-Chinese dictionary5. (时光; 年岁) course of time, esp. prime of youth:韶华prime of youth;年华逝水。Time passes like water.另见 huà。




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