词汇 | 委 2 |
释义 | 委委[wěi] 动1.■ (托付) entrust; trust:委以重任entrust sb. with an important task2.■ (抛弃) cast aside; throw away; discard; abandon:委之于地cast away on the ground; cast sth. upon the ground3.■ (推委) shift:委过shift the blame onto others4.■ [书] (积聚) accumulate:委积gather; accumulate 形1.■ (曲折) roundabout; indirect; winding:委曲tortuous; winding2.■ (无精打采; 不振作) dispirited; dejected; listless:委顿tired; weary; exhausted 名1.■ (委员) committee member:常委member of a standing committee2.■ (委员会) committee; commission; council:军委the Military Commission;党委Party committee3.■ [书] (水流所聚; 水的下游; 末尾) end:原委the beginning and the end;穷原竟委get to the bottom of the matter4.■ (姓氏) a surname:委进Wei Jin 副1.■[书] (的确; 确实) really; certainly; actually:委系实情。This is the true story.另见 wēi。 |
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