词汇 | 案 |
释义 | 案案(桉)[àn] 名1.■ (长桌) table; desk:书案studio table [desk];条案a long narrow table2.■ (案件) case; law [legal] case:办案handle a case;破案solve [clear up] a criminal case;向警方报案report the case to the police;美国政府立即开始调查此案。The government of the United States began at once to investigate the case.3.■ (案卷; 记录)record; file:有案可查be on record [file];声明在案have a statement placed on record;我向你提供这个情报, 以供记录在案。I'm giving you this information for the record.4.■ (提出计划、 建议、 办法等的文件) a plan submitted for consideration; proposal:提案proposal; motion;方案programme; plan; scheme;决议草案a draft resolution 动1.■同“按Ⅰ 、Ⅲ”[àn] |
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