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词汇 偶然
释义 偶然偶然[ǒu rán]1.accidental; fortuitous; casual; incidental; occasional; in case of accident; by coincidence; by chance; accidently; by accident; chance; chance to; have a chance to; happen to; It just so happened that ...:偶然现象accidental [fortuitous] phenomena;偶然事件accident; a chance event;偶然原因an occasional cause;偶然遇见一个老朋友run into an old acquaintance; meet an old friend by chance; come across an old friend;偶然相识的人an incidental acquaintance;出现这种问题绝不是偶然的。The occurrence of such things is by no means fortuitous.我在伦敦一家小店里偶然发现那件古物。I struck upon that antique in a little shop in London.
常用词组1.偶然变动 accidental fluctuation;2.偶然重合 chance coincidence;3.偶然符合 stray coincidence;4.偶然共栖 synclerobiosis;5.偶然价值形式 accidental form of value;6.偶然计数 {物} accidental count;7.偶然迁移 accidental dispersal;8.偶然扰动模拟 random excitation simulation;9.偶然失效 random failure; accidental error;10.偶然失效期 random failure period;11.偶然宿主 occasional host;12.偶然[非经济]收入 occasional income;13.偶然损耗系数 occasional loss factor;14.偶然误差 accidental error;15.偶然噪声脉冲 occasional noise pulse;16.偶然中断 {自} contingency interrupt




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