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词汇 习惯
释义 习惯习惯[xí guàn]1. (适应) be accustomed to; be used to; be inured to:习惯于早起habituate oneself to getting up early;他习惯于做艰苦的工作。He is accustomed to hard work.你很快就会习惯这里的气候。You will soon become [get] used to the weather here.我们应该使自己习惯艰苦生活。We should inure ourselves to hard life.2. (长期养成的行为、倾向) habit; custom; convention; usual practice; groove:从小培养劳动习惯cultivate the habit of doing manual labour from childhood;吸烟的习惯the habit of smoking;旧习惯outmoded customs;成习惯get [fall] into a groove
常用词组1.习惯包装 conventional packing; customary packing;2.习惯法 common law; customary law;3.习惯管理学派 management by custom school;4.习惯国际法 customary international law;5.习惯航线 regular route;6.习惯化 habituation; accustomization;7.习惯继承人 heir by custom; heir custom;8.习惯居所 habitual residence;9.习惯快速装卸 customary quick despatch;10.习惯皮重 customary tare;11.习惯势力 force of habit;12.习惯运输单据 customary transport documents;13.习惯运输单位 customary freight unit;14.习惯折旧 conventional depreciation;15.习惯折扣 customary discount;16.(国际金融市场的)习惯做法 practices prevailing in the international monetary market;17.习惯作法 habit;18.习惯作用 habituation




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