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词汇 主动
释义 主动主动[zhǔ dòng]1. (能够造成有利局面) initiative:主动作某事do sth. on one's own initiative; do sth. of one's own accord;争取主动try to gain the initiative; contend for the initiative;主动为人们做好事be active in doing good to men;主动求婚[爱]take the initiative in courtship;她不愿意主动这么做。She does not like to do so from her own initiative.他工作很主动。He displays great initiative in his work.2. {机} driving
常用词组1.主动安定面 active stabilizer;2.主动报价 unsolicited offers;3.主动备份 active redundancy;4.主动侧 master end; driving side;5.主动测量仪 in-process measuring instrument;6.主动重复 active redundancy;7.主动存储 {计} active memory;8.主动带菌者 active carrier;9.主动(制导)导弹 active missile;10.主动导航 active homing;11.主动电子对抗 {电子} active electronic countermeasures;12.主动多普勒速度传感器 active Doppler velocity sensor;13.主动舵 active rudder; main rudder;14.主动发育 {生} independent development;15.主动放大系统 active augmentation system;16.主动飞行 active flight;17.主动飞行阶段 burning phase;18.主动分禾器 active divider;19.主动分化 {生} independent differentiation;20.主动分析 active analysis;21.主动跟踪 active follow;22.主动跟踪系统 {航空} active tracking system;23.主动构件 driving member;24.主动辊 drive roll;25.主动红外探测系统 {工} active infrared detection system;26.主动滑轮 driving pulley; feed pulley;27.主动回忆 active recall;28.主动机构 driving mechanism;29.主动机械运动方向 driving direction;30.主动激光跟踪系统 active laser tracking system;31.主动棘轮 driving ratchet;32.主动级轮 stepped driving cone;33.主动假目标 active decoy;34.主动件 driving part;35.主动近接 active homing;36.主动开关脉冲调制器 active-switch modulator;37.主动抗(横)摇系统 {船} active antiroll system;38.主动雷达系统 active radar system;39.主动力 active force;40.主动链轮 drive sprocket;41.主动链轮轴 drive sprocket axle;42.主动免疫 active immunity;43.主动摩擦圈 driving friction ring;44.主动皮带轮 drive pulley;45.主动曲柄 driving crank;46.主动声纳 active sonar;47.主动绳轮 rim pulley;48.主动输运 active translocation;49.主动锁模 active mode locking;50.主动态 active voice;51.主动弹簧 drive spring; driving spring;52.主动探测系统 {工} active detection system;53.主动凸缘 drive flange;54.主动土推力 active thrust of earth;55.主动土压力 active earth pressure; active thrust of earth;56.主动卫星 active satellite;57.主动卫星姿态控制系统 active satellite attitude control system;58.主动相关器 active correlator;59.主动小伞齿轮 driving bevel pinion;60.主动小正齿轮 spur driving pinion;61.主动小锥齿轮 bevel drive pinion;62.主动小锥齿轮滚珠轴承 bevel drive pinion ball bearing;63.主动学习 active learning;64.主动寻的制导 active homing;65.主动遥感 active remote sensing;66.主动抑制 active inhibition;67.主动运输 active transport;68.主动注意 {心} active attention;69.主动装甲 active armour;70.主动锥形轮 driving cone pulley;71.主动追踪 active following;72.主动准双曲线伞齿轮 hypoid drive pinion;73.主动姿态控制系统 active attitude control system;74.主动自动化 master control automation;75.主动自动制[引]导 {航空} active homing;76.主动阻抑 active depression




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