释义 |
中止中止[zhōng zhǐ]1.■discontinue; suspend; break off; stop suppression; interruption; intermittence:暂时中止break off for the present;中止一个方案abort a project;中止谈判suspend [break off] negotiations;中止诉讼stop a case; abatement of action;中止上诉discontinuance of appeal;中止营业wind up its operation 常用词组1.■中止反应 stopped reaction;2.■中止飞行 abort;3.■中止付款 suspension of payment;4.■中止规定 “cease to run” formula;5.■中止呼叫 suspended call;6.■中止诉讼通知 notice of discontinuance;7.■中止氧化 {冶} blocking;8.■中止语句 {计} abort statement;9.■中止执行 {律} suspension of execution;10.■中止执行令状 {律} supersedeas |