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词汇 光线
释义 光线光线[guāng xiàn]1.light; luminous beam; ray; ray of light:昏暗的光线dusky light;在微弱的光线下看书read in a poor light;请把桌子移动一下, 这样光线会好些。Please move the desk a few inches to get better light.明月泻下柔和的光线。The bright moon was pouring down the soft rays.
常用词组1.光线成像 image formation by rays;2.光线电话(学) phototelephony;3.光线电话机 photophone;4.光线断路器 photochopper;5.光线跟踪 {光} ray tracing;6.光线跟踪器 ray tracing apparatus;7.光线绘迹器 ray plotter;8.光线交叉点 cross-over;9.光线角度 light angle;10.光线矿 abichite; clinoklase; clinoclasite; aphanesite;11.光线疗法 lucotherapy; phototherapy;12.光线面 ray surface;13.光线圈 plain coil;14.光线入射 incidence of light;15.光线石 clinoclase; clinoclasite;16.光线损害 phototoxis;17.光线像差 ray aberration;18.光线锥 pencil (of rays);19.光线追迹 ray tracing;20.光线足迹器 ray projector




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