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释义 [zhǔ]1. (接待别人的人) host:宾主host and guest;东道主host2. (权力或财物的所有者) master; owner; possessor:一家之主the master of the house;债主creditor;业主proprietor;奴隶主slave owner3. (当事人) interested persons or parties:失主owner of lost property;买主buyer4. (基督教徒对上帝、伊斯兰教徒对真主的称呼) God; Lord; Allah:万军之主(指耶和华)the Lord of Hosts; the God of Hosts;真主Allah5. (对事情的确定的见解) view; opinion; idea:颇有主见have definite views of one's own;我一时心里没主。For a moment I just didn't know what to do.6. (姓氏) a surname:主问礼Zhu Wenli1. (负主要责任; 主持) lead; manage; take charge of:主婚人parents or guardians of bride and bridegroom;主事manage the affairs; take charge of the business2. (主张) advocate; stand for:主战advocate war;主战派the hawks;主和stand for negotiation; advocate peace3. (预示) indicate; betoken; presage:主凶betoken ill luck;早霞主雨, 晚霞主晴。Rosy morning clouds indicate rain, and a rosy sunset means fine weather.1. (最重要的; 最基本的) main; principal; primary:主截面the principal section; principal cross-section2. (从自身出发的) subjective:主格the subjective case; nominative case




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