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词汇 关闭
释义 关闭关闭[guān bì]1. (使开着的物体合拢) close; shut; shut off; paralyse; gag; occlude; cut off:关闭门窗close the doors and windows;关闭船上的舱盖close down the hatches of a ship;那个国家的军事首脑们关闭了进一步和平谈判的大门。That country's military leaders have shut the door on any further peace talks.2. (企业、学校等歇业或停办) close down; shut down:由于燃料不足, 那个国家很多小厂都关闭了。Many small plants in that country closed down for lack of fuel.他们威胁着要关闭这家工厂。They threatened to shut down the factory.
常用词组1.关闭把手 blind catch;2.关闭博奕 closed game;3.关闭不全 incompetence; insufficiency; inadequacy; insufficientia;4.关闭厂房 (怠工) lockout;5.关闭发动机信号 cut-off command;6.关闭管 blanked-off pipe;7.关闭规定 closed rule;8.关闭航空站 {航空} closed aerodrome;9.关闭航区 mare clausum;10.关闭计算机 cut-off computer;11.关闭间隔 off-interval;12.关闭检漏法 isolation test;13.关闭件 closure member;14.关闭井 shut-in well;15.关闭门 shut;16.关闭期间 down periods;17.关闭器 shutter; blanker;18.关闭气缸 shifter cylinder;19.关闭曲柄 locking crank;20.关闭饲养 rearing in dry lot;21.关闭位置 off-position;22.关闭文件 close file;23.关闭系统 shutdown system;24.关闭线路 shut-down circuit;25.关闭效应 blackout effect;26.关闭信号 shutdown signal;27.关闭信号检查 “off” signal proving;28.关闭行程 shutoff stroke;29.关闭旋塞 cut-out tap;30.关闭压力 {机} closing pressure; shutoff pressure;31.关闭压头 {机} shutoff head;32.关闭引流法 closed drainage;33.关闭语句 {计} close statement;34.关闭者 shutter;35.关闭指令 out code;36.关闭中心电极 core bridging (发火栓);37.关闭装置 shutting off device




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