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词汇 信标
释义 信标信标[xìn biāo]1.{电} beacon
常用词组1.信标测高 altitude reporting with beacon;2.信标差频振荡器 beacon beating oscillator;3.信标触发电平 beacon triggering level;4.信标磁控管 beacon manetron;5.信标灯 beacon light;6.信标地面控制进场 beacon-assist GCA;7.信标地面控制进场雷达 GCA beacon assist radar;8.信标发送[射]机 beacon transmitter;9.信标反干扰设备 beacon defruiter equipment; defruiter equipment;10.信标方程 beacon equation;11.信标分布密度 beacon density;12.信标跟踪 beacon tracking;13.信标光束 beacon light beam;14.信标航向 beacon course;15.信标接收机 beacon receiver;16.信标静止时间 dead time of beacon;17.信标雷达 beacon radar;18.信标雷达显示 beacon radar presentation;19.信标术 beaconry;20.信标数字化编码器 digitizing encoder for beacon;21.信标数字化装置 digitizer for beacon;22.信标塔 beacon tower;23.信标台 beacon station;24.信标探向器 beacon direction finder;25.信标天线 beacon antenna; marker antenna; antenna for beacon;26.信标显示器 display for beacon;27.信标信号 beacon signal;28.信标序列观察器 sequential observer for beacon;29.信标延迟 beacon delay;30.信标遗失 beacon stealing;31.信标译码器 beacon decoder;32.信标引导进场 beacon approach;33.信标有效距离 beacon range;34.信标转发器 beacon transponder




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