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词汇 东方
释义 东方东方[dōng fāng]1. (东) east:太阳从东方升起。The sun rises in the east.风从东方吹来。The wind blows easterly.2. (指亚洲) the East; the Orient3. (指东欧和独联体等国) the East4. (姓氏) a surname:东方朔Dongfang Shuo
常用词组1.东方沉香油 oriental linaloe;2.东方地衣 earth lichen;3.东方胡蜂 oriental hornet;4.东方狐鲣 belted bonito; albacore;5.东方黄宝石 Oriental topaz;6.东方教父 Eastern father;7.东方疖 frina; Anam ulcer; oriental boil; caneotica; Aleppo boil; oriental button (皮肤利什曼病);8.东方蓼 prince's-feather;9.东方美人鱼 eastern mermaid;10.东方蜜蜂 Eastern bee;11.东方区 oriental realm;12.东方水蓝宝石 {宝} Oriental aquamarine;13.东方嚏根草 lentenrose;14.东方苇鹃 Acrocephalus orientalis;15.东方文化 oriental cultural;16.东方问题 Eastern question;17.东方学 orientalism; oriental studies;18.东方音乐 oriental music;19.东方珍珠 oriental pearl;20.东方血吸虫病 Asiatic schistosomiasis;21.东方紫水晶 {宝} Oriental Amethyst;22.东方祖母绿 {宝} Oriental emerald




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