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词汇 乘 1
释义 [chéng]1. (用交通工具或牲畜代替步行; 乘坐) ride:乘公共汽车ride in a bus; go by bus;乘火车[飞机,海轮, 船] 旅行travel by train [plane, ship, boat];乘马ride a horse;代表团乘车前往宾馆。The delegation drove to the guesthouse.2. (趁; 乘便, 乘机; 利用条件、机会等) take advantage of; avail oneself of:乘敌不备take the enemy unawares;无隙可乘no crack to get in by; no loophole to exploit3. {数} (进行乘法运算) multiply:5乘3等于15。Five times three is fifteen.; 5 multiplied by 3 is 15.4. [书] (追逐) pursue; chase1. (佛教的教派或教义) a main division of Buddhist schools:大乘Mahayana; Great Vehicle;小乘Hinayana; Little Vehicle2. (姓氏) a surname:乘昌Cheng Chang另见 shèng。




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