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释义 从(從)[cóng]1. (跟随) follow:从师be an apprentice;从俗follow the general custom; conform to custom;从征go on a military expedition2. (顺从; 听从) comply with; obey:从命comply with sb.'s wish; obey an order;屈从submit to; yield to3. (从事; 参加) join; be engaged in:从军join the army; enlist4. (采取某种方针或态度) in a certain manner or according to a certain principle:从宽处理be lenient in treatment;从速be as quickly as possible;从严处理be severe in treatment1. (跟随的人) follower; attendant:从者如云have a large following;随从attendant; retainer; retinue2. (姓氏) a surname:从公Cong Gong1. (从属的; 次要的) secondary; accessary:分别首从distinguish between the chief culprit and the accessary;主从the primary and the secondary2. (堂房亲属) relationship between cousins, etc. of the same paternal grandfather, great-grandfather or a yet earlier common ancestor; of the same clan:从兄first, second or distant cousin of the same clan; cousin1.(表示起于或经过) from; through:从表面看to the eye; on the face of it;从长远看from a long-term point of view; in the long run;从根本上说essentially; in essence;从经验中得来school of hard knocks;从理论到实践from theory to practice;从某人面前走开get out of sb.'s sight;从全局出发proceed from the situation as a whole;从实际出发proceed from the actual situation; proceed from reality;从现在起from now on;从这儿往西go west from here; west of here1.(从来 ,用在否定词前面) ever:从不迟到be never late;从不计较个人的名誉地位never give any consideration to personal fame and position;她在成绩和荣誉面前从不骄傲。Her head was never turned by achievements or honours.我从没离开过这个地方。I've never been away from here.




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