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词汇 任意
释义 任意任意[rèn yì]1.wantonly; arbitrarily; wilfully; just as one wishes; at will:任意捏造事实indulge in pure fabrication;任意摆布order sb. about at will; get sb. by the short hairs; have sb. under one's thumb; turn [twist; wind; wrap] sb. round one's little finger;任意诬蔑wantonly vilify;任意编造arbitrarily invent;任意歪曲历史wilful distortion of history;任意打击wilfully attack; attack others as one pleases;任意欺侮bully others at will;任意通行free traffic;任意涨价raise prices arbitrarily
常用词组1.任意标度arbitrary scale;2.任意参数 arbitrary parameter;3.任意常数 {数} arbitrary constant;4.任意处理订单 discretionary order;5.任意存取 arbitrary access;6.任意点 arbitrary point;7.任意定相 arbitrary phasing;8.任意单位 arbitrary unit;9.任意港 optional port;10.任意格网 {图} arbitrary grid;11.任意函数 arbitrary function;12.任意函数发生器 arbitrary-function generator;13.任意航向计算机 arbitrary course computer;14.任意基准值 arbitrary reference value;15.任意加税 slap additional taxes on;16.任意截面波导 waveguide of arbitrary cross section;17.任意截切 {地} arbitrary cut-off;18.任意输入信号 arbitrary input;19.任意顺序 random order;20.任意条款 optional clause; permissive provision;21.任意投影 {图} aphylactic map projection;22.任意脱离啮合 walking-out of mesh;23.任意卸货港交货 optional delivery;24.任意型号 disposable type;25.任意形状波导 arbitrary-shaped waveguide;26.任意序列 arbitrary sequence;27.任意仲裁 voluntary arbitration;28.任意准备 voluntary reserve




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