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释义 [shì]1. (事情) matter; affair, thing; business:把坏事变成好事turn a bad thing into a good one;公事public affairs; official business [duties];国家大事affairs of state;别叫我做办不到的事。Don't ask me to do impossible things.还有些未完成的事需要处理。There is still some unfinished business to settle.我们就这事请教过他。We have consulted him about the matter.要是你愿意承办这件事, 我将不胜感激。If you will undertake the affair, I shall be very grateful.2. (事故) trouble; accident:出事have an accident;惹事make trouble; stir up trouble;省了不少事save a lot of trouble;平安无事。All is well.一夜无事。The night passed without accident.3. (职业; 工作) job; work:找事look for a job;有事大家做。We should all share the work.4. (关系或责任) responsibility; involvement:请回去吧, 没有你的事了。Please go back; there is nothing of your concern now.这件案子里还有他的事呢。He was involved in the case,too.1. [书](侍奉) wait upon; serve:事父母wait upon one's parents2. (从事) be engaged in:不事生产lead an idle life;无所事事doing nothing; loafing




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