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词汇 体积
释义 体积体积[tǐ jī]1.volume; bulk; bulking; bigness; bodiness; size
常用词组1.体积百分数 volume percentage;2.体积比能量 energy density per unit volume;3.体积变化 volume change;4.体积变化记录器 auxograph;5.体积补偿 volume compensation;6.体积不连续 volume discontinuity;7.体积测定 stereometry;8.体积测量 cubing;9.体积单位 volume unit;10.体积磁化率 {物化} volume susceptibility;11.体积单元 elementary volume, volume element;12.体积电荷 volume charge;13.体积电阻 volume resistance;14.体积电阻率 volume resistivity; specific volume resistance;15.体积电阻系数 specific volume resistance; specific insulation resistance; {电工} volume resistivity;16.体积动态{油工}volumetric performance;17.体积度specific volume;18.体积吨 measurement ton;19.体积分数 volume fraction;20.体积分析 volumetric analysis;21.体积符号图解 volumatic graph;22.体积复合 volume recombination;23.体积估价法 {房} cubing;24.体积管式流量校检装置 volume tube flow testing device;25.体积光电效应 volume photoeffect;26.体积缓冲瓶 {化工} volume bottle;27.体积货物 measurement goods;28.体积计 volumeter; volumometer; volumenometer; volumescope;29.体积积分 {数} volume integral;30.体积力 {流} body force; volume force;31.体积减少 loss of volume;32.体积绝热 {工} bulk insulation;33.体积克分子浓度 {化} molar concentration;34.体积扩散 volume diffusion;35.体积量度 cubic measure;36.体积流量 volume flow;37.体积流率 {流} volume flow rate;38.体积氯度 chlorosity;39.体积密度 volume density;40.体积密度试验 volume density test;41.体积描记法 plethysmography;42.体积描记器 plethysmograph;43.体积描记术 plethysmography;44.体积描记图 plethysmogram;45.体积模量 bulk modulus;46.体积模数 bulk modulus;47.体积目标 {电磁} volume target;48.体积能量密度 volume energy density;49.体积粘度 bulk viscosity;50.体积粘性 volume viscosity;51.体积膨胀系数 {物} coefficient of cubical expansion;52.体积平衡模式 volume balance model;53.体积全息图 {物} volume hologram;54.体积全息照相 volume edogram;55.体积蠕变 volume creep;56.体积收缩 contraction of volume; volume contraction; volume shrinkage;57.体积寿命 {半} volume lifetime;58.体积色谱法 volumetric chromatography;59.体积速度 volume velocity;60.体积弹性 compressibility;61.体积弹性模量[数] bulk modulus;62.体积弹性系数 bulk modulus; coefficient of cubical elasticity;63.体积位移 volume displacement; volume shift;64.体积稳定处理 bulk treatment;65.体积消毒 {核子} volume sterilization;66.体积效应 volume effect;67.体积胁变 cubic strain;68.体积形状系数 {冶} volume shape factor;69.体积依赖关系 volume dependence;70.体积因素 bulk factor;71.体积应变 {力} volumetric strain; bulk strain;72.体积元素 volume element;73.体积运输 {海} volume transport;74.体积阵 volume array;75.体积中心 {数} centre of figure; centroid; center of volume;76.体积重量 bulkfactor;77.体积自由能 {物} volume free energy




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