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释义 [zhī]1.[书]1. (代替人或事物, 限于做宾语):怒目而视之stare at it or him;取而代之replace someone; take it over;将如之何?What is to be done?无不为之高兴。Everybody feels excited about it.2. (虚用, 无所指):久而久之with the lapse of time; as time passes;总而言之in short; in a word; in brief; make a long story short;手之舞之, 足之蹈之dance with joy3. (这; 那) this:之人也this type of man1. (用在定语和中心词之间, 表示领属关系或一般的修饰关系):赤子之心the pure heart of a newborn babe;汝之过也your fault;普天之下all under heaven; all over the world;光荣之家the honoured family;钟鼓之声the sound of drums and bells;以我之长, 攻敌之短utilize our strong points to attack the enemy at his weak points2. (用在主谓结构之间, 取消它的独立性, 使变成偏正结构):世界之大, 无奇不有。The world is so big that nothing is to be surprised at.战斗之烈, 实难预料。It is unthinkable that the fight is terribly fierce.皮之不存, 毛将焉附?With the skin gone, to what can the hair attach itself?1.(往) go; leave:由(北)京之沪leave Beijing for Shanghai;不知所之。Don't know where he went.君将何之?Where are you bound for?1.(姓氏) a surname:之马宇Zhi Mayu




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