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词汇 义务
释义 义务义务[yì wù]1. (责任) duty; obligation:不承担义务no obligations; under no obligation;履行所承担的义务meet one's commitments; fulfil one's obligation;条约规定的义务treaty obligations;逃避义务shirk one's duty;公民的权利和义务the rights and duties of citizens;有义务做某事be obliged to do sth.; be under the obligation to do sth.; be duty-bound to do sth.;牢记我们对祖国应尽的义务。Never forget our duty to our motherland.2. (不要报酬的) volunteer; voluntary:义务行医offer free medical service
常用词组1.义务兵 compulsory serviceman;2.义务兵役制 compulsory military service; conscription;3.义务工 voluntary labour service;4.义务教育 compulsory education;5.义务教育法 law on compulsory education;6.义务劳动 voluntary labour;7.义务人 obligor;8.义务性 oughtness;9.义务植树 voluntary tree planting




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