词汇 | 假 1 |
释义 | 假假(叚)[jiǎ] 形1.■(虚伪的; 不真实的; 伪造的; 人造的) false; fake; sham; phoney; artificial; counterfeit; forged:假和平phoney peace;假检讨insincere self-criticism;假民主bogus [sham] democracy;假腿artificial leg;以假乱真create confusion by passing off the spurious as genuine;作假证bear [give] false witness 动1.■(借用) borrow; avail oneself of:假革命之名usurp the name of revolution;久假不归keep putting off returning sth. one has borrowed; appropriate sth. borrowed for one's own use 连1.■(假如) if; suppose:假令in case 名1.■(姓氏) a surname:假仓Jia Cang另见 jià。 |
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