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释义 [qí]1. (他[她,它]的; 他[她,它]们的) his [her, its, their]:其父his father;物尽其用make the best possible use of everything;各得其所。Each is in his proper place.; Everyone is properly provided for.各尽其力。Everyone does his best.2. (他, 她, 它; 他 [她, 它]们) he, she, it, they:促其早日实现help (to) bring it about at an early date;不能任其胡作非为。He [She] is not allowed to commit any outrages.不要任其自流。Don't let things slide.3. (自己; 自己的) oneself:自食其力support oneself by one's own labour; earn one's own living4. (那个; 那样) that; such:不厌其烦not mind taking all the trouble;如闻其声, 如见其人(so vividly described that) you seem to see and hear the person;正当其时just at that time; at the opportune moment;不乏其人。There is no lack of such people.查无其事。It is found that there was no such thing.5. (虚指):大吹其牛greatly exaggerate; talk big without restraint;大请其客invite many guests to dinner; entertain lavishly;忘其所在forget the place1.[书]2. (表示揣测、反诘):其奈我何?What can they do to me?3. (表示命令):子其勉之!Exert yourself to the utmost!1.[后缀]:何其how; what;极其most; extremely;尤其especially; particularly 1.(姓氏) a surname:其石Qi Shi另见 jī。




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