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词汇 亲 1
释义 亲(親)[qīn]1. (父母) parent:双亲parents2. (有血统或婚姻关系的) relative:近亲close relative; near kin;远亲distant relative3. (婚姻) marriage; match:成亲get [be] married;定亲be engaged; be betrothed to;说亲act as a matchmaker4. (新妇) bride:迎亲(of the groom's family) send a party to escort the bride to the groom's home5. (姓氏) a surname:亲弗Qin Fu1. (血统最接近的) related by blood; next of kin:亲兄弟blood brother2. (关系近; 感情好) close; intimate; dear:不分亲疏regardless of close or distant relationship1.(亲自) in person; personally;亲临指导 come personally to give guidance1. (用嘴唇接触) kiss:她亲了亲孩子的脸。She kissed the child on the cheek.2. (亲近)be close to; pro-:亲华pro-Chinese;亲美pro-American另见 qìng。




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