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词汇 光滑
释义 光滑光滑[guāng huá]1.smooth; glossy; slick; sleek:光滑的纸张smooth paper;手感光滑smooth to the touch;她的皮肤像缎子一样光滑。Her skin is as smooth as satin.
常用词组1.光滑板 smooth plate;2.光滑边界 smooth boundary;3.光滑侧 smooth side;4.光滑冲积层 {地质} slickens;5.光滑地面 smooth earth;6.光滑度 smoothness;7.光滑方程 smoothing equation;8.光滑函数 smooth function;9.光滑化 graduation;10.光滑菌落 {微} smooth colony;11.光滑孔 smooth hole;12.光滑量规 plain gauge;13.光滑流形 smooth manifold;14.光滑(曲)面 smooth surface;15.光滑平稳运动 swim;16.光滑曲线 smooth curve;17.光滑软绉 peau de crepe;18.光滑噬菌体 levibactivirus;19.光滑算子 smoothing operator;20.光滑铁心 {电工} smooth core;21.光滑铁心转子 {电工} smooth-core rotor;22.光滑狭口螺 stenothyra glabra;23.光滑型 S-type; smooth type;24.光滑序列 smooth sequence;25.光滑岩 slickrock;26.光滑映射 {数} smooth map;27.光滑直摘锭 straight smooth spindle;28.光滑轴瓦 plain insert




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