词汇 | sword |
释义 | swordsword[sɔ:d]n.1.■剑, 刀, [军俚]刺刀2.■[the sword]武力; 战争; 兵[军、君]权; 屠杀cavalry sword马刀sharpen a sword磨刀the sword and the purse武力和财力the sword of justice司法权the sword of the Spirit上帝的话sword of State [honour]国剑(大节日在英王前所捧的宝剑) 继承用法sword-bearern.1.■捧剑侍从sword-dancen.1.■刀舞, 剑舞; 剑架舞swordfish[ˈsɔ:dfɪʃ]n.1.■箭鱼, [Sword ]旗鱼座; 剑鱼座; [Sword][英]双翼海上飞机sword-guardn.1.■(刀剑的)护手sword-handn.1.■右手sword-lawn.1.■强权政治, 军事管制; 戒严令sword-tailedadj.1.■尾巴或尾鳍长而锐利的 习惯用语beat swords into ploughshares1.■将刀打成犁头, 偃武修文cross [measure] swords1.■交锋, 决斗; 争论double -edged sword1.■双刃剑; 敌我不分的计谋draw the sword1.■拔剑; 发动战争; 诉诸武力draw the sword and throw away the scabbard1.■准备采取坚决的行动; 破釜沉舟eat a sword1.■[俚]伤亡于刀剑之下; 挨刀剑flesh one's maiden sword1.■以血染剑, 初试刀锋maiden sword1.■新刀, 尚未染过血的剑naked sword1.■白刃, 出鞘之刀put to the sword1.■杀死put up [sheathe] the sword1.■收剑, 把剑插进鞘里; 停止战争, 讲和the sword of Damocles1.■随时可能发生的危险, 潜在的威胁throw one's sword into the scale1.■以武力支持自己要求; 以武力作后盾wear the sword1.■当兵worry the sword1.■(击剑中)连续快速戳刺以乱对方阵脚 特殊用法air sword1.■(卸纸垛装置的)气刀duelling sword1.■重剑lathe sword1.■筘座脚 |
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